Kids Play Therapy: Pricing

All our services are charged at the NDIS gazetted rates here:

For most allied health professionals, the rate is $193.99 per hour.

We charge for the following aspects of our therapist’s service:

Face-to-face or tele-health therapy supports
Non-Face-to-face supports including research time, collaboration with other members of the care team, phone assessment, therapy plan development, clinical documentation after an appointment, and report-writing
Travel time, within the NIDS Pricing Arrangements guidelines. Within metropolitan Melbourne, this means that your practitioner will charge up to 30 minutes of their time to and from your appointment. In some regional areas, this can be up to up to 60 minutes to and from your appointment.
Non-labour travel costs, as outlined in the NIDS Pricing Arrangements.

Here’s an example of how our charges apply based on different scenarios:

For single participant

Occupational therapist travel for appointment in Cragieburn from their location in Pascoe Vale which take around 27 minute (20 km). OT provided 60 minutes therapy session. OT then travel back to their location for 27 minutes (20 km) and spend 15 minute on progress report tasks. Please see calculation below:

> Therapy session $193.99
> Travel time 27 + 27 = 54 minute = $174.59
> Travel kilometre (non-labour cost) = 40 km ($40)
> 15 minute for progress note = $48.49

Total cost: $457.07

For multiple participants

Occupational therapist travel for appointment in Cragieburn from their location in Pascoe Vale which take around 27 minute (20 km). OT provides 60 minutes therapy session. OT then travels to another participant in Epping for 18 minutes (14km), OT provides 60 minutes therapy session, and returns to their locations for 22 minute (18 km). Please see calculation for each participants below:

> Therapy session $193.99
> Travel time 27+18+22 = 67 minutes divided by two participants = 33 minutes per participants ($106)
> Travel kilometre (non-labour cost) = 42 km divided by two participants = 21 km per participants ($21)
> 15 minute for progress note = $48.49

Total cost: $369.48